Top 10 Ways We Try to Blame our Troubles on Something or Someone Else (and what to do about it)


terry speaking at small conference 3

  1. He ruined my life!

No one can ruin your life, but yourself. They can try, but only you can let them. Don’t let them. Get back to work.

  1. I have the worst luck.

I’ve learned that the best luck comes to those who get up off of their butts, stop looking at their failures and start looking at their successes. Get back to work.

  1. Things just didn’t work out.

No, you gave up before they could. Get back to work.

  1. The timing was bad.

The timing is never good. Something will always try to get in the way and thwart your success. The ‘perfect time’ to start anything is RIGHT NOW! Get back to work.

  1. I’m not as good as other people.

Me, either; but you’re reading MY Top 10 list! You don’t have to be THE best, you only have to be YOUR best. There are always people who can learn from you, and there are always other people you can learn from. Get back to work.

  1. I’m not ______ enough. (insert your own excuse here)  

Then become ______ enough! Get back to work.

  1. You don’t know where I come from.

I don’t care where you come from. I only care where you’re willing to go. Get back to work.

  1. You don’t have the same challenges I do.

Who cares? Many people have had worse challenges than you have and have done better. Get back to work.

  1. I just don’t want to.

Then I can’t help you. Wallow in self-pity long enough, and when your need becomes strong enough to overcome your excuses, look me up – if you can reach me.  For now, get back to work.

  1. It’s too late now.

Bull. If you’re reading this, then it’s not too late. Stop reading this and get back to work!


DON’T Face Your Fears

“People say to face your fears. I disagree.
I say look PAST your fear to your goals, and focus on them. If those are important enough to you, your fears will disappear.”
– Terry Fossum

2006-01-02 09.09.08If you focus on your fears, then that’s all you can see!  They become the biggest influence
in your emotions.  Don’t focus on them.  Focus on your goals.  Focus on why it’s so critical that you accomplish them.  Create emotion.  If you do that effectively enough, you’ll be so inspired, angry, desperate or whatever emotion works for you that you’ll attempt to reach them no matter what.  Then, and only then, can the fear lose its hold over you.

Read the story of Admiral Farragut, who won a distinctive naval battle with a singular battle cry:  “Damn the Torpedoes, Full Steam Ahead”

If we embrace that same battle cry in our everyday life, our fears will shrink back from us, and our goals and dreams will become our reality.

Don’t believe me?  Give it a try for a month.  Look PAST your fears, and put them where they belong, in your past.  Focus on your emotion of why you MUST accomplish your goals.

Then, Damn the Torpedoes, Full Steam Ahead!

To Your Success,
